Now that the silly season is behind us, your back at work, the kids are back at school and riding is now a high priority to help lose 8 kilos (well that’s what Robbie put on) we will be changing our trading hours for the coming months.
The biggest change is we will be back to 6 days a week along with an extension to our Saturday trading hours. We have some major instore events on the horizon over the coming months with everything from car boot sales to bmx jams so kep on eye on your newsletters or the good old facebook. The changing of the Trading Hours is also in sync with the relocation of our Maitland store to Kotara, meaning Kotara will now be your one stop shop with everything for the beginner to the elite cyclist. Drift Bikes would like to thank everyone for their support over the Christmas period and indeed the long term support of our Maitland location. We are looking forward to a massive amount of riding into the winter months and beyond,
See you on your bike,
Monday 10 – 6
Tuesday 10 – 5:30
Wednesday 10 – 5:30
Thursday 10 – 6
Friday 10 – 5:30
Saturday 10 – 3