Rail a mountain bike through some turns on the Glenrock trail network or feel the Gs on a road bike down the Fernleigh track this weekend.
This Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 of December Specialized Test the Best will be set up at Glenrock Recreational Area, Gun Club rd Gates near Newcastle from 8am until 2pm. Come up and test ride your dream bike for FREE, be it an Epic 29er, Enduro trail beast or a Tarmac bitumen destroyer or SHIV TT bike. We'll have most models and sizes in our most popular models.
No bookings are necessary. Simply turn up with your helmet, id, credit card and *shoes and *pedals ( if you have them) and have some fun.
If you arn't exactly sure where Gun Club rd is simply look out for the flags on the eastern side of the Pacific highway on the first left turn after the top of scenic drive Mereweather. Check out the map below for the location with pin point accuracy.
[SGM lat="-32.95562" lng="151.7277439" zoom="14" type="TERRAIN" content="TEST THE BEST........ WILL BE HERE." ]