-Tuesday 6th March 6:30pm
For some time now we have wanted to put on an info night were it is just for women, as too often bike stores cater only to the men’s market and continually forget about the farer sex.
Did you know that Specialized is the largest manufacturer of women’s specific cycling products in the world?
Therefore we have handpicked 3 female representatives to each do a 15 minute presentation about different aspects of women’s cycling.
To talk about the Specialized Womens Specific range of cycling products we have our very own female Sales Rep Tanya Moss. Tanya has years of cycling experience behind her as well as being one of the most knowledgeable people we know in the Australian Cycling industry.
Our very own Sponsored Athlete, Nicola Hogan will be talking about her entry into the sport of cycling and about her progression to an elite level athlete within the Australian Cycling Scene both on and off road. It has been awesome to watch Nicola’s riding progress and it will be a pleasure to hear her talk about her journey so far.
And last but not least we will hear from Paula Gresham, of the Newy Cogettes Fame. Paula is responsible for helping dozens of girls get aboard a bike and do more than just ride it, she has helped people start and finish their very first race and kick started many a racer amongst the riders. But if competition isn’t your thing, don’t fret as Paula will be talking about the various women’s social groups and rides that exist in the local area.
We will be kicking off our very first women’s only info night at 6:30pm on Tuesday the 6th of March at the Drift Bikes Kotara Store.
The night is absolutely free, with light refreshments provided.
All expressions of interest in attending the night will receive a free road or mtb gift of their choice. Simply call or email kotara@driftbikes.com.au and state your name and gift bag preference. Lastly if you have any specific questions that you would like to ask our guest speakers please outline these in your email and we will endeavour to have them answered as part of their presentation.
But lets not stop with one night, the very next weekend on the 10th and 11th of March, Specialized will be binging their Test The Best demo fleet to glenrock which includes a full demo range of Womens Specific Road and Mountain Bikes! So not only do you get to hear about why they are the best, you get to ride on for yourself!
Stay tuned to the newsletter for more updates on future women’s specific nights and we look forward to seeing you there. And remember, leave the husband/boyfriend/dad/male work colleague at home, as they already know everything, just ask them.