I arrived to Mt Buller on Thursday so I could hit the trails before the second stage of the 2012 All Mountain Cup National Series. This stage of the series continued over 3 days consisting of one race each day.
The first race was the Super D, which was a long stretch of fire road starting off with a very skatey fire road at the beginning and smoothing out towards the end. I managed to get a win for the Super D by just a little over a second.
The Second race was the XCO which is the cross country olympic format race. For this race I needed to finish 3 laps of a 5km circuit. The U19 women category started behind the elite women. I was able to get a good start and be the first of my category to enter the single trail. I was able to maintain first position for the rest of the race with a 10 sec gap between me and second place. Bits of the track were quite challenging with one the climbs incorporating some oober tight switch backs which caused me to come unstuck on a few occasions.
The last race was a point to point. This was 25km which incorporated some long gnarly climbs which seemed to last forever, but the climbs were worth it with some nice downhill single trail towards the end of the race, but we were punished yet again with some more gruelling switch back climbs. I was yet again able to manage another good start in this race and put a bit over two minutes into second place which was a pleasing win for me.
I managed to get a first for the weekend which was awesome! Hopefully i can hold on to this for the rest of the series.
Throughout the weekend my S-Works Epic was awesome as always. It is always good to be able to alter the suspension with the brain, especially for the Super D. Thanks to Drift Bikes for supporting me and fixing up my bike after three days of brutal punishment. They always do a great job fitting me in when we call in, usually on the way too or from races. Thanks guys!
Holly Harris.
Photos - Russ Baker